Home » Algerian Civil Aviation inspection delegation visits Mitiga Airport to assess resumption of flights
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Algerian Civil Aviation inspection delegation visits Mitiga Airport to assess resumption of flights

Libya’s Airports Authority reported yesterday that last Tuesday (23 July), a high-level delegation from Algerian Civil Aviation arrived at Mitiga International Airport to conduct an audit of the security and operational procedures in force at the airport. The aim of the audit is to assess compliance with international standards and the possibility of resuming flights between Algeria and Libya. ‎

‎The Airports Authority said the delegation toured the airport facilities to check the airport’s security and operational procedures to ensure the safety of flights.

‎During the meeting, operational procedures and safety measures were discussed in detail, and the airport management gave a detailed explanation of the recent improvements and its commitment to the recommended international standards in the field of civil aviation.

‎The Director General of Mitiga Airport stressed that this visit comes within the framework of the Airports Authority’s efforts to raise the level of services and improve security and safety measures, pointing to the importance of strengthening international cooperation in this field to ensure the safety of airline passengers and the safety of flights.

‎For his part, the head of the Algerian delegation, the Airports Authority reported, indicated that the visit aims to evaluate the preparations and equipment at Mitiga Airport, stressing the readiness of Algerian civil aviation to support joint efforts in enhancing security and safety at all airports. ‎

The Airports Authority said this activity comes as part of a strategic plan aimed at reopening air routes between Libya and Algeria, and enhancing economic exchange between the two countries, in accordance with agreed international standards in the field of civil aviation.‎

‎These efforts are part of the Airports Authority’s plans to raise the level of services provided at airports and to enhance the safety of flights in accordance with internationally agreed standards.‎

