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US Continues to Pressure Egypt to Send Weapons to Ukraine

The US seeks to pressure Egypt to supply Ukraine with weapons which Cairo continues to resist, Human rights and political affairs researcher Hani Mohamed said.

Mohamed told RT that, according to a report by the “The Wall Street Journal”, Egypt is resisting US requests to send weapons to Ukraine, including artillery shells, anti-tank missiles, air defense systems and light weapons, after the decline in US stocks that were depleted by the Kiev forces against the Russian army.

The US exerts pressure on Egypt mainly through human rights, which is a sensitive and important issue for many countries.

He explained that it uses human rights issues as a tool to influence the policies of other countries.

As a result of Egypt’s failure to respond so far to the issue of arms delivery to Ukraine, members of Congress are pushing not to release US$320 million in military aid to Egypt.

This aims to exert pressure on the Egyptian government under the pretext of its reported human rights violations.

He explained that the US considers these human rights conditions essential to continue supplying Egypt with weapons and military aid.

According to Mohamed, the US is leading a campaign against Egypt, aimed at questioning Egypt’s human rights achievements.

He pointed out that organizations supporting the policies of the US continue to abuse the efforts of the Egyptian government.

They do so by disregarding recent efforts to promote human rights and to reintegrate some prisoners into society through the presidential pardon initiative, as well as other initiatives such as Hayah Karima and 100 Million Healthy Lives, he added.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are being used to promote western political interests and have become voices for the west in an attempt to control the world, impose its values and fill its policies on countries, Mohamed added.

These two organizations launched false reports attacking the Egyptian government without relying on evidence or facts, he explained, coinciding with the anniversary of the Rabaa sit-in dispersal.

Source : Egypt Independent
