Home » Morocco’s CGEM Hails British Justice’s Rejection of Pro-Separatist Action, Calls ‘Victory’ for Both Countries’ Businesses
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Morocco’s CGEM Hails British Justice’s Rejection of Pro-Separatist Action, Calls ‘Victory’ for Both Countries’ Businesses

British Justice’s rejection of pro-separatist action, a ‘victory’ for both countries’ businesses, CGEM says

London Court of Appeal’s rejection of the case brought by pro-separatist NGO WSC against the Morocco-UK trade agreement is a victory for Moroccan and British companies, says the General Confederation of Moroccan Businesses (CGEM).

The CGEM welcomed in a press release the British court’s rejection of the lawsuit, stressing that “this is a victory for Moroccan and British companies, which will continue to trade calmly and take full advantage of this agreement, which illustrates the friendly relations between the two countries.”

“Trade between Morocco and the United Kingdom is thus definitively protected,” the CGEM says, deeming that this will also create growing business opportunities, offering additional value to consumers and businesses in both countries and supporting joint economic development.

In December 2022, the legal attack on the UK-Morocco Association Agreement by the pro-separatist NGO was categorically rejected. Today, in a further strong endorsement of the UK-Morocco trade relationship, the appeal has also been rejected, the CGEM says.

In a related development, Spanish expert on Maghreb affairs Javier Fernandez Arribas said the appeal rejection by the London Court is a “new victory for Morocco’s interests and territorial integrity.”

“This irrevocable rejection marks a new political triumph for Morocco and international support for its autonomy proposal for the Sahara, which aims to strengthen national territorial integrity and enhance the value of the southern provinces, in order to promote regional development in various fields, such as the economy, infrastructure, and social development,” Arribas commented.

“Morocco is consolidating its position as a very important political and economic partner” for Europe, he said, noting that the North African country “constitutes a gateway to the African market and offers legal guarantees and stability that favor a good business and investment climate.”

In addition, the London Court’s decision consolidates the Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom, and constitutes a “guarantee for Moroccan and British companies which maintain economic and commercial relations in all sectors of cooperation and covering the entire Moroccan territory”, he said.

On Thursday, the Court of Appeal in London irrevocably dismissed the appeal by the pro-separatist NGO “WSC” against a previous decision by the Administrative Court, rejecting its application to challenge the association agreement linking Morocco and the UK.

This third setback since last December for the enemies of Morocco’s territorial integrity confirms the validity of the association agreement linking the two countries, which benefits the populations and development of all the Kingdom’s regions, from north to south.
This decision can no longer be appealed and therefore removes the legal threat to trade flows between the UK and Morocco, which has always been prioritized by the UK government, leading to a 50% annual increase in Q4-2022.

Source: northafricapost
